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CURB TO FENCE - FENCE TO CURB STAGING ASSESSMENT™ This trademark course is exactly what you need to set yourself apart as a home stager. 

"The eye of a decorator, the mind of a realtor"! ™


After years of experience as a realtor, serving as both a listing agent and a buyer’s agent Lynn aquired a keen insight into the thought process of home buyer's. As a former Realtor she understands how buyers think and what they can and cannot see past. This course will give you the tools to make your clients "house" feel like a potential buyers "home". You will learn what the buyer knows and what they don't! There is so much in this course that will set you apart in the industry! It is the culmination of many years of experience.

In her own Staging and Redesign business Lynn has successfully brought this technique to hundreds of clients.

In this program:

Who, Why and How this course is different

Step by Step process of the Assessment/Consultation


Report Template


How to grow your business



COURSE-Home Staging Curb to Fence~Fence to Curb™

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